I’m back home from the Eurobike and now the daily duties are calling again… this time a bit earlier (20:53) than I used to do the daily roundup of day 8 of the Bikepacking Trans Germany 2018.
After Olaf Haensch, Peggy & Adam Marvanová and Holger Loosen who all finished yesterday, Jann and Andrew Grau completed the #btg18 today as they arrived at Cape Arkona.
Olaf Haensch is a BTG-veteran who finished third at the premier edition of the event while Peggy is the first woman to ever finish the Bikepacking Trans Germany. It’s worth a note that Peggy and Adam are no greenhorns when it comes to self-supported events. They both finished the Lapland Extreme Challenge and went 900 km through the wilderness and solitude of Lapland’s winter on ski and have become the first ever to master that challenge. They definitely know what they need to do to keep themselves going and they also took their preparation for the #btg18 pretty serious. 😉
Peter Scherer (currently at km 1571.84), Shane Little (at km 1520.63) and Detlev Rabe (at km 1513.02) are likely to be the next three making it to Cape Arkona any time soon.
After this general overview, back to today’s events that can not be read out from the live tracking. Andreas Kunze got picked up by some girls in front of the local Netto supermarket in Muskau. The girls invited him to a pool party and he was pretty excited about this unexpected invitation. Sources told me that his reputation as a bad boy which he got from pushing his bike through Devil’s Gorge with a cigarette in his mouth got ahead of him. Who wouldn’t love to have such a guy at his party? 😎
Peter Felten forgot his tracker after having a lunch break in Niederfinow, a town famous for its big ship lift. Lukas Eger picked it up and passed it on to Tim Zeelen whose wider tires allow him to plow through the deep sands of Brandenburg faster than Lukas would be able to with his narrow tires. Peter’s tracker already got the nickname “Easteregg” and hopefully it will find its way back to the nest where it belongs. 🥚👀
Last but not least we have a birthday child out on the track today. That person should know who I mean (at least I hope so, otherwise he would have cranked himself into unconsciousness) and maybe some of the people in this group might know who that guy is from looking at a photo of his birthday cake from 2016. I bet with all the sugar and fat it would still be good for consumption even today, but unconfirmed reports informed me that the cake lasted just seconds longer than the flames of the candles. So happy, happy birthday! I bet you found some worthy cake today (as you always tend to do).
And with the photo of said cake that went to cake heaven so quickly I finish my report for today. To everybody still out there: Enjoy the ride, sleep well and stay safe!