Dear all,

as of today registration for the tracking service is open:

We ask all riders who want to use the tracking service (irrespective if you want to use your own SPOT or need a rental device) to register until 15th June. After 15th June the registration will be closed.

At the end of the registration process you will be directed to paypal in order to pay the service and/or rental fees. Please keep in mind that the fees that we mentioned in previous newsletters were without tax!

Another reminder for the SPOT-users: During registration you have to provide a link to your SPOT shared page. This MUST NOT be password protected!

Please find enclosed our older newsletters in which we described all the terms and conditions of the tracking service. If any questions remain open, please send us an e-mail.

Best regards, Achim & Thomas

PS: For those of you who haven’t yet taken part in our poll regarding the pre-race-Meeting on the night before the

Grand Depart: Please do so at:

We still need a few more participants to cover the cost for the venue…